
The 7 Best Pranks I’ve Seen

With April Fool’s Day being only a month away, it’s time to start scheming about pranks to play on your loved ones for April 1st. As I start planning what prank I’m going to pull on Olive this year (I’m just joking Olive, I would never dare play a prank on you… neeeever), I reminisce about that best pranks I’ve seen (or been involved in).


photo credit: pasukaru76 vis photopin cc

1) Dirty Toothbrushes
I lived in a dorm for two years. Many pranks happened during that time. One of the best was pulled off by all the females on all the males. Those girls instigated the Prank Wars that happened that year. One month into the school year, we had an all-men meeting and an all-women meeting to discuss any issues that have come up so far from living together (there was a separate men’s hall and a women’s hall). During our meeting, the girls pulled off their prank. It was genius.

2 weeks later we discovered photos taped up on the men’s shared washroom mirrors. We were horrified to see all the men’s toothbrushes photographed lying in the bathroom urinals. The only reason I thought this was hilarious was because I kept my toothbrush in my room.

2) Operation Free 400 Crickets
The guys in our dorm retaliated with this prank. One guy found a cricket supplier that sold crickets for 10 cents each. He went around the guy’s hall collecting money. We pooled together $40 and bought 400 crickets. In the middle of the night, we released all 400 crickets in the girl’s shared bathroom.

Early in the morning, we heard screams. What happened was a lot of the crickets hid behind the shower curtains. The early-risers were horrified when they pulled back the bathroom curtains and dozens of crickets dropped into the shower. The early bird catches the worm (heh heh heh). It took almost a week for the girls to get rid of all the chirping.

3) A Bucket of Snow
For some reason, my friend Jon had gotten a few of the ladies in the dorm angry. One evening, after Jon had gone to bed, the girls broke into his room (more like they bribed his roommate to open the door), pulled back his covers while he was sleeping and dumped snow all over him. The best part was that Jon was sleeping in his boxers.

4) Smelly Cheese
This prank involved a few guys hiding slices of cheese under a few of the girls’ mattresses. It was winter and the heat was always on. After a while, their rooms started smelling a bit funny. It took them a while to figure out where the smell was coming from.

5) Ketchup + Salt = Chemical Reaction

photo credit: Auntie P via photopin cc

Some of my high school friends may remember this. At McDonald’s one day I was explaining to my gullible friend (Sam… now Pastor Sam) about a chemical reaction I learned about. If you mix salt with ketchup, there’s a chemical reaction and heat is created. It’s because of the acidity in ketchup mixed with salt, with is NaCl (which we had just learned about in Chemistry class).

So I showed them. And carefully waved my hand over. “Here, you try,” I told Sam. The funniest part was that my eager friend Nat, who had been listening very intently, pushed Sam aside and put his hand over the ketchup. Then “Bam!” I pushed Nat’s hand down into the ketchup. There’s your chemical reaction.

6) My car “broke down”
We were bored one evening. So a few of my friends and I went to the UBC ice rink and packed some snowballs into a cooler. The rest of the evening we visited our friends, convincing them to come out to meet us.  It was springtime and snow was the furthest thing from their minds. When they came out, we ambushed them with snowballs. One stop we made was at our friend Corey’s house. I called him saying that my car broke down in front of his house (coincidentally), and could he come out to help. He did. So helpful.

7) Pie in the Face
Pies in the face are the best. Especially on April Fools Day. The look of shock on my friend’s face when she realized there was cream all over her face was priceless. I just wish I could have videoed this one particular incident.

What was the best prank that you’ve ever seen?