How Marriage is Different in Indonesia

How Marriage is Different in Indonesia

We’ve spent the last week in Bali, Indonesia. It’s one of the most beautiful vacation destinations in Asia, and also where my brother recently got married. One of the things we’ve enjoyed during our stay here was having conversations with the local Balinese people. What we’ve discovered is that the marriage rules in Indonesia are quite different from what we are familiar with in North America.
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10 Things Your Spouse Needs to Hear You Say

What I Learned: 10 Things Your Spouse Needs to Hear You Say

[“What I Learned” is a guest post series of lessons learned in relationships that matter the most (you can send us your story too). This guest post is by fellow blogger Ngina Otiende.]

Words have creative power.

The universe was created with words.

In marriage and when life gets busier – kids, career commitments e.t.c – the small things tend to suffer first.
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How I Fought With My In-Laws (and Won)

How I Fought With My In-Laws (and Won)

[This is an excerpt of our book, “Then Came The Baby“, about the time I fought with my in-laws shortly after Allie was born.]

Before Allie was one week old, I had a big fight with Olive’s parents. They were so angry they wanted to cancel Christmas.

Well, technically no one could cancel Christmas. But they wanted to cancel Christmas with us by changing their plane tickets to fly back to Toronto early.
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Dear Bride-to-be, It's Not (Just) About You

Dear Bride-to-be, It’s Not (Just) About You

“It’s your big day, you deserve for it to be perfect – the way you’d always dreamed for it to be.” So goes the common sentiment when it comes to brides. This line of thinking might be good business for wedding magazines and bridal shows, but in reality, it’s untrue. If I could write a letter to all the women out there who are planning for their wedding day, here’s what I’d say:
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Neal and June Black

Marriage: Little Things Add Up

[This is a guest post by Neal Black, who together with his wife June, helped us with premarital counselling to prepare Olive and I for marriage.]

The other day the headlines read “Gold prices set record high”. I am all for investment when it gets me what I want. But if you are like me you didn’t jump on the gold band wagon soon enough and wish you had years ago. So I guess you can call me dumb for not investing sooner.
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