Dare I say this?

My baby is getting on my nerves.  There, I said it.  Before you become alarmed and wonder if I’m in good enough psychological condition to become a mother, let me also say that I mean it quite literally.  You see, sometimes when I’m standing, baby’s position presses on my nerves and pain and numbness shoot down my legs.  And I feel like I’m going to crumple over unless I hold onto something and try to shift my weight somehow.

When people ask me how my pregnancy is going, I usually tell them it’s generally going well. I figure a lot of women have a much rougher time than me so I don’t have much to complain about. But lest I give the impression of having an idyllic pregnancy, let me tell you what’s not been so great, especially as I’ve entered into the final month.

  • I feel heavy and I waddle
  • I tire easily
  • My hips hurt – a lot, especially in the morning when I get out of bed, or when I try to turn over in my sleep
  • My brain is both on overdrive and in a fog (I’m writing a draft of this at 3am, yet I forgot to buy milk yesterday even though it was written on my list!)
  • I miss lying on my back (they tell you not to after the fourth month because doing so cuts circulation to you and to the baby)
  • Due to aforementioned sore hips, I also miss putting on my pants, socks and shoes the way a normal person does (currently, it feels like an acrobatic feat to put on each article of clothing)
  • I feel lazy
  • I have little interest in cooking and what I do manage to make just doesn’t taste as good as I used to make it.  Tim said we could just order food or eat out this month and I lamented to him, “But I miss my own home cooking!”

With only one more day until baby is considered full-term (meaning baby has sufficiently developed organs and systems to survive unassisted outside the womb), I am looking forward more and more to carrying baby with my arms instead of in my belly.

On my to-do list this week is “Pack hospital bag.”  With just over three weeks till the due date, I think it’s probably better to be ready ahead of time than to scramble around last minute!

On a happier note, my brother-in-law’s girlfriend took some preggo shots for us about a week ago.  (Thanks, Mel!) Here are a few of my favourites:

 Love my little Canadian!

Happy thoughts

My favourite