this way, that way

Finding My Voice: a retrospect of defining decisions of my twenties

Earlier this year, I turned 30. As I reflected on the decade of my life that was my 20s, I realized I had made quite a few key decisions in those ten years; decisions that would more or less define who I am as I move forward in life.

this way, that way

photo credit: Lori Greig via photopin cc

As I verge on entering into a new chapter called parenthood, I wanted to collect my thoughts related to these decisions before other matters occupy my mind. So I am writing this series, Finding My Voice, as a way of doing this. My hope is that at least some of what I have learned might be helpful to someone out there.  I invite you to join me as I reflect back on the last ten years.

Here are the decisions I’ve written about so far:
Choosing Love Over Fear
Giving Love a Chance (my thoughts on Dating)
Marrying Tim (my thoughts on Marriage)
Loving Myself as my Neighbour
Travel While Single