JustPotters Handmade Mug

I love this mug made by JustPotters

This morning I bought this beautiful handmade mug from JustPotters. I love the design, the colour, how smooth it feels, and the fact that my daughter’s middle name, Joy, is on the mug.

JustPotters Handmade MugWhat I love more about the mug is that it was made by a social enterprise in Vancouver that employs people who are marginalized. People who have barriers to employment like physical disabilities, mental disabilities, or addictions. People that are often forgotten by society. JustPotters gives them a creative space to do work, a place to belong, a way to give back.

So to the wonderful person that made this mug, thank you. To JustPotters, thank you.

To see or buy JustPotter’s creations, go to their ETSY website. To read more about JustPotters, take a look through their blog.