my introvert life

My Introvert Life

Hello there!  Welcome to this series called My Introvert Life.

On the vast continuum between Introversion and Extroversion, I happen to be on the far introvert end of the spectrum. By definition, being introverted means I gain my energy from being alone. Activities such as sleeping, painting, reading and writing are all solitary endeavours that recharge my soul.  The Introvert/Extrovert dynamic is only one part of what makes up my personality, but it plays a pretty significant role in my understanding of myself and how I carry about my life.  That’s why I think it’s a worthwhile endeavour to take a closer look at it.

my introvert lifeThe seed for this series began with this post, where I replied to my friend’s open letter to Introverts. As I thought about it more, I noticed that being introverted affects so many areas of my life.  So I decided to write more posts.  And it turned into this series.  It’s an exploration of introversion and my attempts at integrating my personality into the society around me that is typically structured more suited toward extroverts.

Before I dive in, I wanted to mention a couple resources that were instrumental in helping me know I am not crazy gain perspective and insight into this quality.  The first, is The Introvert Advantage, by Marti Olsen Laney.  And the second, is The Highly Sensitive Person, by Elaine Aron.  While the second book is not particularly about introverts, it helped me understand myself.  I enjoyed both of these immensely.  I have also heard good things about Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World that Can’t Stop Talking, by Susan Cain (all affiliate links).

So whether you are extroverted, introverted, or somewhere in between, I invite you to explore with me.  I’d love to hear your perspective too.  What are your experiences and observations?  I’m also open to suggestions, if you are wondering about the interplay of introversion and a specific area that I haven’t listed below.  Just leave me a comment and I’ll see what I can contribute in response.  Thanks!

Welcome to My Introvert Life!  Posts by topic:

Dear Extroverts (an Honest letter from an Introvert)
The Postpartum Weeks
– As a Single
In Marriage

photo credit: bingbing via photo pin cc