Reasons My Daughter is Crying

“Why is your daughter crying?” is a question that I have been asked hundreds of times – and I’ve only been a dad for 1.5 years. Inspired by this dad, Olive and I decided to start writing down the reasons why Allie cried. To give other soon-to-be parents a more realistic view of life with a 1-year old, we’ve posted a few of these reasons (along with some photos).

Reasons My Daughter Is Crying

She tripped, fell down, and bumped her head (this happens at least once a day).


Reasons My Daughter Is Crying

She did not like the taste of the soap bar (which daddy let her play with but did not expect her to take a bite out of).


Reasons My Daughter Is Crying

She did not like the travel crib we bought her.


Reasons My Daughter Is Crying

Daddy picked her up (and not Mommy).


Reasons My Daughter Is Crying

Mommy started dancing to the song (while holding her).


Reasons My Daughter Is Crying

Daddy did not let her throw the strawberries on the couch.


Reasons My Daughter Is Crying

Daddy and Mommy’s non-Asian friend smiled at her (or waved at her, or looked at her, or said hello to her… this happens a lot).


Reasons My Daughter Is Crying

Daddy would not give her a 12th animal cookie to eat.


Reasons My Daughter Is Crying

We don’t know.


Reasons My Daughter Is Crying

There are no more limes to eat (Allie really likes eating limes).


Reasons My Daughter Is Crying

Her milk is in a new cup.


Reasons My Daughter Is Crying

Daddy wouldn’t let her eat the rice she found on the floor.


Reasons My Daughter Is Crying

The Sesame Street video of Elmo singing with the ducks ended.

Other reasons my daughter may be crying:

– Bath time started
– Bath time is over
– We are changing her diaper
– It took longer than zero seconds to put on her shirt

Just in case you think that all our daughter does it cry, here’s a photo of her crinkling her nose with her dad.

Allie, can you crinkle your nose?


PS- Allie, if you are seeing this for the first time, we hope that you find this funny and entertaining. But if seeing these photos is very embarrassing to you, then we owe you an apology (but we are sure that this will not be the first, or last, time that you are embarrassed by your parents).