Taking a Sabbatical to Focus your Career and Calling

Taking a Sabbatical to Focus your Career and Calling

 [This is a preview of a guest post I wrote for Paul Sohn’s blog, Salt + Light. Paul writes to equip readers with edifying, stimulating, biblical, and robust ideas and perspectives on people, change, leadership, and the Christian life on his blog.]

If you’re a young professional, taking a Sabbatical is a crucial part of growing your career and focusing your calling in life. What is a Sabbatical? It is an extended rest from work, or a hiatus, in order to achieve something.

Taking a Sabbatical to Focus your Career and CallingThe concept of a Sabbatical came from God in the Scriptures, when He gave the commandment to stop working the fields in the seventh year. According to Wikipedia, Sabbaticals are growing trends in the United Kingdom with 20% of companies having a career break policy for employees and a further 10% considering starting one.

For young professionals in their twenties, I highly recommend taking a Sabbatical to reflect on and clarify your calling and career direction in life.

Read the rest of the post HERE.

photo credit: Daran Kandasamy via photo pin cc