Claiming Your 20’s as a Christian

Recently, I watched this provoking TED talk called, “Why 30 is not the new 20.” In it, clinical psychologist Meg Jay challenges people in their 20’s to re-evaluate how they are spending their time and challenges the notion that one’s 20’s is a throwaway decade. She encourages young people to “claim” their 20’s by investing in who they might want to be, pursuing their careers by connecting with people beyond their immediate sphere of connections, and choosing their future families by being intentional about who they date.

One of my friends watched the talk and sent me this question, “That was a really inspirational TED talk – I watched the whole video. But I feel that, perhaps, this doesn’t take into account Christianity. In following God, I feel that I am being asked to forsake all my dreams and desires (a stable career, the opportunity to travel, and perhaps a spouse). I feel that by following God, that I am moving backwards through life. What are your thoughts on this?” Great question.
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One Thing

Defining Decision #3: Decide the one thing I will die for [how to find passion in life]

[Defining Decisions is a series of blog posts on the 20 life-shaping decisions I made in my 20s.]

This blog post is about the most important decision I have ever made and how it has defined my life. I decided the one thing I am willing to die for, and I am (and will) spend my life living for that one thing. This is the key to living a life with passion and purpose.
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Defining Decision #2: Learn my boss’ job [how to spend my time at work]

[Defining Decisions is a series of blog posts on the 20 life-shaping decisions I made in my 20s.]

When I was 22 years old, I approached a man named Alan to be my mentor. He had experience in both business (a VP at Telus and an MBA) and ministry (a seminary degree, chairman of my church board, and several years of missions work in China) and I wanted to learn from him. Over the next 2 years we met every month and I always enjoyed our times together.
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Embracing Depression 1

Defining Decision #1: Embrace my Depression [realizing the gifts that depression brings] – Part 1

[Defining Decisions is a series of blog posts on the 20 life-shaping decisions I made in my 20s.]

Depression has been a familiar and mostly unwelcome companion through my 20s. I have had six unannounced visits over the past ten years, each visit lasting between one and six months. This companion has felt more like an intruder than a guest, and I am always glad when Depression leaves me.
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