What I Learned: How to Get Along With Everyone

What I Learned: How to Get Along With Everyone

What I Learned” is a guest post series of readers telling their personal stories about lessons they have learned about relationships in hopes of helping us all grow and cherish the relationships that matter the most to us (you can send us your story too). This guest post is by Laurie Rappeport from Safed, Israel. (Note: While we may not agree with everything Laurie writes in this post, we wanted to publish this because her thoughts offer a great opportunity for discussion. We’re excited to hear your responses.)

About ten years ago someone accused me of something that I absolutely had not done. It came like a lightning bolt out of the blue and obsessed me — how could this person believe that I had acted in a way that was completely unethical, and that went against everything that I believed?  What had spurred this false accusation? And most importantly, how could I get my reputation back, even if it was just with this one person?
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