This is an invitation for you to write for our blog! Olive and I are starting a Guest Post series entitled “What I Learned“. We want to give people the opportunity to tell their personal stories about lessons they have learned about relationships, in hopes of helping us all grow and cherish the relationships that matter the most to us.
Please consider sharing your story with us and our readers (
1500 4000 unique monthly visitors).
To give you a better sense of what we’re looking for, here are a few possible post titles:
- What I Learned about Picking a Fight with a Family Member
- What I Learned about Courage from a 2-year Old
- What I Learned from Dumping a Bad Friend
Here are some things you’ll need to know for guest posting on our blog:
1. Your post should be roughly between 500-800 words long.
2. If necessary, we will copyedit your post for grammar, punctuation, spelling, etc. If we make substantive changes, we will email the post back to you for your approval before posting.
3. We understand the amount of work that it takes to write a blog post. However, we reserve the right to publish guest posts that we think add value to our readers.
4. To submit a guest post, please email us at Please include a one to two sentence introduction that includes what you do, along with your blog address and your Twitter and/or Facebook address.
If this is your first time guest posting, here are some helpful tips:
- “Seven Steps to Writing a Successful Guest Post” by Jeff Goins
- “Anatomy of an Effective Blog Post” by Michael Hyatt
We’re looking forward to reading your blog post! And if you’d like Olive or myself to guest post for your blog/website, we’d be happy to consider it.
Here are the guest posts we have published so far:
What I Learned: From My Summer Father by Paul Sohn
What I Learned: About Marriage from Rubbermaid Storage Boxes by Amelia Rana
What I Learned: About Maintaining Long-Distance Friendships by Kristen Soo
What I Learned: About Defining Expectations in Marriage by Alicia Perez
What I Learned: About Winning a Baby’s Heart by Tiffany Chan
What I Learned: How To Get Along With Everyone by Laurie Rappeport