Brain jam

I feel like I have a backlog of thoughts waiting to be written.  So today I will attempt to clear some of the brain jam.  Be forewarned, this might end up being quite a long post.

Things have been happy.  Things have been sobering.  Things have been difficult.  And things have been hopeful.
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Celebrating third trimester with "the drink"

Today marks 27 weeks in my pregnancy, which according to some, is the start of the third and final trimester.  Baby and I celebrated today by getting a glucose screening test done.  A dear friend of mine was kind enough to accompany us for the 1 hour test during which my blood was drawn, I drank “the drink”, waited for an hour and had my blood drawn again.  It was a screening test to see if my body was processing sugar correctly – if not, it would mean that I might have gestational diabetes (diabetes of the pregnant woman type).

When the lab technician asked me whether I had ever had “the drink” before, I told her, “No, I haven’t.  But I have heard much about ‘the drink‘!”  It made her laugh.  She then offered me the choice of orange or plain flavour.  I opted for the orange.

“The drink” came in a little plastic bottle, refrigerated.  The technician said I had 5 minutes to down the whole thing.  I had been told that it would be incredibly sweet and pretty nasty tasting.  So I braced myself for the worst.

It was…  fine.

I finished it in less than a minute and thought to myself, I wonder if this is the same drink everyone else talks about?

I told the technician that if you’ve ever had to drink chinese medicine, this was nothing.  Chinese medicine is bitter and tastes like dirt.  This at least was sweet and citrus-y.

Conclusion?  Taste is relative.  When you’ve had something truly hard to swallow, the rest is surprisingly tolerable.  Here’s to the final three months!

How to Trap a Husband

How to trap a husband

As this pregnancy has progressed, I have found myself struggling with fears and insecurities I never thought existed in me.  In the last couple months, I’ve asked T at least three or more times a day week a common yet impossible to answer question, “Am I fat??!
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Online Generation

Should we post our kids’ photos online?

Even before I became pregnant, I had been thinking about this new generation that will be growing up with their lives broadcast to the world via social networking, youtube and blogs.  On one hand, it’s a positive thing to be able to use the internet to keep family and friends up to date about how our families are doing and what the little ones are up to.  On the other hand though, I wonder what kind of a psychological impact all this publicity will have on these children who grow up with their photos and videos posted for the world to see (and in some cases, comment on).
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