Celebrating a Half-Baked Bun

I meant to post this a few days ago but I haven’t had a chance to sit at a computer until today (which may be a good thing!).  Anyway, lots to update today.

Last Thursday marked 20 weeks, the midway point of this pregnancy!  We celebrated by hanging out with my father-in-law who treated us to a buffet lunch aboard the ferry on the way back from Victoria.  Excellent food with a window seat by an ever-changing water view.

On Monday, I had my routine mid-term ultrasound to make sure the baby’s growing at the proper rate etc.  We were hoping we could find out the sex of the baby but the technician was not allowed to tell us.  He did react quite a bit to our baby doing somersaults though.  It would have been funnier if I wasn’t concentrating so hard on not peeing my pants.  Sigh.  We’re hoping the doctor will tell us the sex this coming Monday.

Here are a couple pics from the ultrasound.

Profile of the face.

A perfect little leg and foot!

This afternoon, for the first time ever, I actually saw the baby move from the outside of my belly.  I don’t know if he/she was kicking, punching or hiccuping.  But the baby’s definitely letting me know he/she is there.  Maybe we have a little athlete, martial artist or dancer?

And since we’re at the halfway mark, here’s a recent photo of me and my emerging baby bump:  20 weeks.

In other news from the encouraging category, the ban on chicken is officially over.  Hooray.