Double Happiness

Today is a happy day.  For two reasons:

1.  I woke up this morning to my little acrobat doing cartwheels off the sides of my belly.  Since I could feel the bumps and kicks with my hands, I reached over and put T’s hand on my belly.  I didn’t want to disturb the process so I didn’t tell him why.  I just put his hand there and hoped for the best.  And then baby kicked – hard!  So for the first time, T felt the baby move.  =)

2.  We went for a checkup today and found out our baby’s sex!  My father-in-law is adamant that he does NOT know so I can’t post it here.  But if you’re really curious, feel free to email me and I’ll tell you.  Just don’t tell my father-in-law.  =D

And a bonus happiness today was that I got to buy lunch for a random guy who had only eaten a couple crackers all day.  Happiness is meant to be shared, I think.