In these early days of pregnancy, I am quickly learning a new dimension of what it means to be a servant. My body has pressing needs that I cannot ignore. Every couple of hours, I have to eat. And I can’t just eat anything. There are certain foods that agree more with my stomach and are more nutritious. So I have to be thoughtful in selecting what I eat. And thanks to improved kidney function, I also find myself in the ladies room more often than before (and I already thought I had a small bladder!). It’s as if I have an internal butler that is always asking, “What would you like? How are you feeling? How can I make things more comfortable for you?”
I realize that this is only the beginning of this path of servanthood. There are yet many sacrifices to be made and needs to be met. If I am not careful about being honest about my feelings with God, I know I could easily become resentful of this child who is so utterly dependent on me right now. I need to keep remembering Jesus and His example of joy and selflessness. That is the only way I can love well.
I find it interesting now that Mary’s response to the angel’s news of her impending pregnancy was, “I am the Lord’s servant” (Luke 1:38). I suspect that she had no idea just how much would be required of her. But her humility and desire to bless gives me inspiration to do the same.