My belly-button is getting shallower

The deep abyss that used to be my naval is slowly transforming.  It hasn’t reached the point where it’s popped out yet, but that day is certainly approaching.

And while we’re on the topic of physical changes, I have had to buy new underwear and new pajamas.  It felt weird buying medium-sized clothing when I’ve always worn either small or extra small.  But, I’m definitely more comfortable!

Baby seems to move around most when I’m first waking up, when I’m hungry and when I’ve just eaten.  I think this kid likes food.

One of my baby apps says that baby’s eyes can now open and that we can shine a flashlight into my belly to see if baby will move.  Here kiddo, let’s blind you with light for our entertainment!  Is it just me, or does that seem just a little bit mean?

This post is obviously a collection of random thoughts, but on a more serious note, I started reading “Grace-Based Parenting” by Tim Kimmel.  So far, I’m really appreciating his wisdom and insight.  The part I read today contrasted fear-based parenting with grace-based parenting.  And he presented the idea that each person is created with three intrinsic needs:  Security, Significance and Strength – which can be met through the gifts of Love, Purpose and Hope.  As we get our needs met by the God of grace, we are able to help our children meet those needs through God as well.

When T and I were crafting our wedding vows, we included the idea of making our home a place of grace.  I look forward to reading the rest of the book and seeing how we might live it out in our family in the coming years.