Oh hello again

And without fanfare or warning, four first-trimester chums are back in town.

Hello again fatigue, nausea, food aversions and weepiness. I have to say, I have not missed you.  From what others tell me, you’ve come to re-visit us because baby’s growing and taking up more room, my stomach’s getting squished and my hormones are running amok.  And I shouldn’t expect you four to leave until the baby is born.  That’s just excellent.

I find it amazing that for about a minute when I first wake up, I feel refreshed.  And then whomp, fatigue, you find me and I want to curl up and sleep the day away.  Except I can’t seem to sleep very long before my bladder sounds the alarm and I’m forced to get up.

I’ve been told that eating smaller meals should help me cope with you, nausea.  Well, that’s what I did for lunch today and nope, still feel gross.  Something tells me vitamins are going to be a chore again and the chicken ban is going to come back into full effect.

The worst part is that I’m hungry all the time.  Sigh.

As for you, weepiness, you’re just there ready to dole out the tears whenever you fancy.  Even cartoons make me cry these days.

Anyway, I guess I have no choice but to try to be hospitable to you four for now.  Fighting you would simply be a waste of energy.  Just remember, your stay will end in due time and you will have to move on.