Last night, we successfully completed our prenatal classes. I asked T, “Does that mean we’re now ready to prenate?” ;)
It’s kind of crazy that seven weeks ago, we sat in a room with 11 other couples. And within these 7 weeks, two of the couples already had their babies (both premature). Makes me wonder when everyone else is going to give birth.
My mom asked me tonight if I’m feeling excited or anxious. I said I’m feeling more excited than anxious. I read or heard somewhere that fear makes the labour process more painful. Because when you’re afraid, you tense up your muscles and make it more difficult for the body to do what it needs to do. My perspective on labour and birth right now is this: it’s what God created my body to do, so if I can relax and let my body do its thing, I think it will be alright. I still anticipate discomfort, but I don’t think that my labour needs to be like those on TV and Hollywood movies where the mothers scream and curse and it looks like the worst day of their lives.
At the grocery store today, the cashier commented that I looked like I was going to pop soon. Soon, I thought, but not quite. Baby is still able to flip from one side to the other, so I think there’s still some room for growth. I am getting to the point though where I really look forward to having baby outside of my body so that I don’t have to be the only one carrying the weight. T and I considered what it might look like if the dad could alternate with the mom in carrying the baby throughout pregnancy. How would that work?
My sleep comes in segments now. I sleep for about 3 hours, wake up to use the bathroom, sleep another 3 hours, wake up to use the bathroom and eat, sleep for another 2-3 hours, wake up to eat again and then depending on what time of the morning it is, I may or may not sleep for another hour or so. (Aside: I’m often surprised at the number of cars on the road at 3am. Why are these people out and about in the middle of the night??) Sometimes, I’ll nap in the afternoon. But usually my naps last about 50 minutes before my bladder alarm goes off.
I have other thoughts floating around in my brain but I think it’s time to call it a day. Till next time…!