Why Bring a Baby to the Chiropractor

[This is a guest post by Dr. Nareeta Stephenson, a Port Coquitlam Chiropractor specializing in family chiropractic, women’s health and sensory processing disorder.]

Picture your baby before it’s born, it’s floating warm, safe and cushioned. Then gradually there is less room to move and stretch, things start to become cramped and then all of a sudden the walls start squeezing in, the fluid disappears and things get very intense. Finally after much pushing and squeezing your baby makes the shortest and longest journey of its life down the birth canal, and if all goes according to our bodies’ direction with no interventions, baby comes out just fine on its own. This is a naturally traumatic event, even without the influence of possible interventions.
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Why Jenny Won’t Wear Socks – Helping parents understand Sensory Processing Disorder

[This is a guest post by Dr. Nareeta Stephenson, a Port Coquitlam Chiropractor specializing in family chiropractic, women’s health and sensory processing disorder.]

• Is it a struggle to get socks on your child because the seams bug them or they are “pilly” inside?
• Does your child become upset with loud or unexpected noise? Or notice noises that most of us don’t hear (like fans, fridges, beeps or hums)?
• Does your child have a melt down when you enter the mall or any other busy place?
• Is your child PICKY eater?
• Does your child have a difficult time keeping their hands to themselves?

Maybe your child is suffering from Sensory overload and you don’t even know it.Read More


Courage is: Admitting When You’re Your Own Worst Enemy

[“Courage Is” is a guest post series of readers sharing their personal stories of courage and what it means to live courageously. This is Laura W.‘s story.]

I’ve struggled with body image issues and being significantly overweight since about grade 4. When classmates started to notice (and care) that I was heavy, I started to get made fun of for it. Kids can be mean. They said things no one should have to hear, and even wrote things on bathroom walls for me to find during breaks between high school classes.
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