Thankfully, earthquakes don’t count as a pregnancy symptom

At lunch today, as T and I were eating at home, I suddenly felt on onset of dizziness.  I thought to myself, This is strange, I was feeling fine just a second ago, how is it that I feel so unstable all of a sudden?  And then I realized it was an earthquake!  I was relieved that it was the earth and not my body that was out of balance.

This past week, my parents came to visit us.  It was the first time they got to see me pregnant.  My mom had fun talking to baby in my belly.  She also spoiled me with new shoes and a couple of beautiful cardigans that will be perfect for the autumn/winter.  Oh, and a super-cute maternity/nursing pajama set.  And my dad and I had fun comparing belly sizes.  We even took a couple pictures.

My mom also helped me sort through 4 boxes of baby clothes that one of T’s cousins generously lent us.  The newborn pieces really are so small and cute!  Can’t wait to use them.  =)

On Wednesday evening, we went with my parents to tour the hospital where I will be delivering baby.   There were maybe another 7 couples there as well.  I think my belly was the smallest by far.  Either we’re eager beavers and took the tour really early in our pregnancy, or I’m just carrying small.  I couldn’t tell.  Anyway, it was quite informative and I’m glad we went.  I got pretty thirsty and tired by the end of the tour though.  And that night, I dreamt that I gave birth and had to wander the halls holding my newborn in search of something to drink.  Ha.

In other news, my nausea and food aversions seem to have abated.  So the chicken ban has not been reinstated.  That’s good news.

Fatigue and weepiness are still hanging around.  I spent most of today sleeping and only changed out of my pjs at 4pm.  I’ve been finding it super hot this week and that’s added to the inability to get good sleep.  Thankfully, I’ve been managing to get solid deep sleep in 1-hour increments.  Training for when baby arrives?  I think so.

Anyway, saw this cartoon that depicts my situation pretty accurately.  Enjoy.  =)