Hello dear readers,
Spring is a season where change often happens and Tim and I have two developments we wanted to let you in on. This post will be more of a personal update from us and less of the reflective type of article we usually post.

New Look
Our website has a fresh look! We thought it was time for an update and we’ve been working behind the scenes to make it happen. We’re still refining things but we’re happy to let you see the changes we’ve made so far.
My Dad’s Passing
Of greater significance, I (Olive) wanted to let you know that on March 19, 2019, my dad, Ben, passed from this side of life to the other side of eternity. I was given the gift of spending his final 20 hours with him and being the person by his side when he breathed his last breath.
This blog has always been a place for me (and Tim) to process some of our thoughts, particularly ones we think would be helpful for others to read. Journeying through grief is no different. However, I don’t want to be filling your inboxes/feeds with my grieving thoughts so I will just be posting them under the section titled, “Grief.” You’re welcome to come by and read them if you’re so inclined.
My first post under “Grief” is the eulogy I gave at Ben’s Celebration of Life service. You can read/watch it here.
I had started this Lent season with the photo prompts but did not get to finish them. Lent ended up looking radically different than I’d envisioned. We literally walked through the valley of the shadow of death. The first few weeks after it happened, I sat down to write about the whole experience. I’m at over 8,000 words. I expect to share parts of it here in the coming days.
Now that we are in Easter, I hold on to the hope of resurrection. Even so, my heart is in a tender place. My prayer is that I would be faithful to this grief journey and remember to be gentle with myself.
Thanks for reading our blog despite our infrequent updates! As always, we love hearing from you via email or Facebook message.
May we be aware of the nearness of Christ whatever changes we face,