One Thing

Defining Decision #3: Decide the one thing I will die for [how to find passion in life]

[Defining Decisions is a series of blog posts on the 20 life-shaping decisions I made in my 20s.]

This blog post is about the most important decision I have ever made and how it has defined my life. I decided the one thing I am willing to die for, and I am (and will) spend my life living for that one thing. This is the key to living a life with passion and purpose.
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Baby Analytics – How much does a newborn eat, pee, poop, and sleep?

I am slightly obsessed with numbers and statistics. For me, it’s fun to keep track of things. So Olive and I have been keeping track of the things that Allie does, like pooping, peeing, eating, and sleeping. It’s been very helpful in learning about our baby and her needs. It’s also allowed us to develop a schedule for the day that meets Alena’s needs, Olive’s needs, and my needs for food, sleep, and personal time.
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