The Golden Rule is found in all of the world’s major religions and ethical traditions, and is generally agreed upon as a good rule to live by. Unfortunately, the Golden Rule often fails to help others and can sometimes cause more damage than benefit.
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Can Depression Be a Friend?
I have a friend. I haven’t seen her for a while now. She tends to come and go as she pleases. Every so often, she will drop in, stay a while and leave when she thinks she’s kept me company for long enough. Whenever she’s around, my days need to be re-organized. Hers is a quiet sort of demanding.
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4 Types of Dating
When a friend tells me that he or she is dating, I usually ask them to explain what exactly they mean by the word “dating.” When they give me a blank stare, I prompt them by asking: Is it casual dating? Serious dating? Courtship? Are you seeing each other? Friends with benefits? Hooking up? What’s the goal? Where is this relationship headed? “Dating” can mean so many different things.
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Introducing our Book Launch Team!
Last week we make an open invitation on our blog for our readers to join our book launch team. Many people applied and we were able to form a great team. We’re excited to officially introduce you to our Book Launch Team!
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4 Simple Ways to Be Kind to Yourself
I find it difficult to be kind to myself. I am my own harshest critic, taskmaster and mean-faced bully. I have been for many years already. I would probably continue to be, except that I have encountered grace and found it to be a much more enjoyable way of living. So I’m learning how to be kinder to myself; to be hospitable to my own soul and to extend generosity to the person I most closely live with.
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Happy Chinese New Year! [Video]
From all of us at (a.k.a. Tim and Olive… and Allie too), Happy Chinese New Year! Check out the video greeting we made.
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Courage Is: Answering “Why Aren’t You Married Yet?”
[“Courage Is” is a guest post series of readers sharing their personal stories of courage and what it means to live courageously. This our friend ProdigalJ’s story.]
Weddings are something I love and dread. I love them, because I get to celebrate my close friends. They are so meaningful for me that for a special few, I’ve even cried (manly) tears during the ceremony. However, when the parties are over and we’re done celebrating ‘togetherness,’ it’s hard to not feel like I need to be with someone in order to be “whole.” As if being single isn’t enough, and that somehow I’m incomplete.
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