Finding A Mentor

“Mentoring is a brain to pick, an ear to listen, and a push in the right direction.” – John C. Crosby

Whether you are just starting out in your career or have accumulated decades of experience, mentoring has its benefits.  For a young leader, there is the potential for personal and professional growth, the opportunity to widen your network and to gain more confidence. It’s also a cost effective way to learn from someone who has more experience.  For a mentor, there is the opportunity to share the things they’ve learned through their years of experience, and to make a positive impact on someone’s life.
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Finding my Calling in Life

Two weeks ago I was at a dinner discussion hosted by the Acumen Fund. Our topic of conversation for the evening was “Living a Life of Purpose.” Questions that came up during the course of dinner were, “What is Life’s Purpose and how do we find our purpose?”, “Who decides what our purpose is?”, and “Do we have one or more purposes in life?”. All good questions.
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Gone in 60 seconds (or less)

I did it.  Chopped off a foot of hair.  I’m not sure exactly how much all that hair weighed, but I’m pretty sure getting such an extreme haircut is one of the fastest ways of losing weight.  It’s certainly one of the only (if not the only) acceptable ways of losing weight while I’m pregnant!  (Not that I needed to.)
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