
I Wish The Gunman Had Heard “You Are So Loved” Too

“You are so loved.” I paused when I read that these were some of the last words spoken to Cpl. Nathan Cirillo as he lay dying at the National War Memorial in Ottawa last week. So fitting, I thought. And so true. Everyone should hear that they are loved in their last moments. After all, there is probably nothing that is more true of us.

But as our country mourned the soldier’s death and celebrated his heroism, I found myself mourning the death of the gunman just as much.
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why i bother going to church as a young mother

Why I Bother Going To Church As a Young Mother [Excerpt]

Mornings and I don’t get along. Even on the best of days without children, mornings are hard for me. Add round-the-clock nursing into the mix and getting up, let alone going out, takes herculean effort. All this to say, if I make a public appearance before noon these days, you can be sure it’s someplace that matters to me.

Now that we have two young children, getting out of the house is quite a production. In the three weeks that we have existed as a family of four, we have made it out as an entire family a grand total of 4 times. Of those occasions, only once have we gotten out the door in the morning.
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Happy Chinese New Year!

Happy Chinese New Year! This year is the year of the Horse. It’s become a tradition in our family to create a Chinese New Year video greeting, as we are unable to celebrate with many of our friends and family during this time. Hope you enjoy this year’s video!
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our word for 2014 establish

Our Word for 2014: Establish

Ever since we got married, Tim and I have set aside a day at the start of each year to dream, evaluate and plan for the upcoming year. We call it our “Blue Day.” (We explain this concept in detail in our book, “Fight With Me.”) We continued our tradition this January and left Allie to cavort with her grandparents while we borrowed our friends’ place for a day of reflection.

Last year, our word was “Courage.” We needed that word. It guided us, encouraged us and gave us strength as we wrote and published our books, chose a faith community to identify ourselves with, found out about our second baby and made the (crazy) decision to start our own marketing company.

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Our Favourite Blog Posts from 2013

What a year it’s been! We continue to be humbled that folks like reading our stuff and would actually share our posts with friends. This year, we’ve seen several of our pieces gain an audience and more delightfully, we’ve had the blessing of hearing from and having dialogues with our readers – some of whom we’ve never met.

As we end off 2013, we’ve rounded up our favourite posts from this year. Enjoy!
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