We get asked about book recommendations from time to time so here’s a compilation of books that have helped us as we navigate parenthood and seek to be intentional about our lives.

Understanding Calling
Let Your Life Speak by Parker Palmer
Quiet by Susan Cain
The Highly Sensitive Person by Elaine Aron
The Highly Sensitive Child by Elaine Aron
Child Development
The Whole Brain Child by Daniel J. Siegel
The Female Brain by Louann Brizendine
The Male Brain by Louann Brizendine
Free: Spending Your Time and Money on What Matters Most by Mark Scandrette
Belonging and Becoming: Creating a Thriving Family Culture by Mark and Lisa Scandrette
How We Do Allowance with Our Kids (blog post)
Money-Smart Kid$ by Gail Vaz-Oxlade
Children’s Spirituality
Children’s Spirituality by Rebecca Nye
Sleeping with Bread by Dennis Linn, Sheila Fabricant Linn and Matthew Linn
Other Great Parenting Books
Sacred Parenting by Gary Thomas
Grace Based Parenting by Dr. Tim Kimmel
Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids by Dr. Laura Markham
How Children Succeed by Paul Tough
Parenting Toddlers
7 Tips and 11 Books for Navigating the Toddler Years (blog post)
12 Books to Prepare a Toddler for a New Baby (blog post)