For the past few years, we’ve kept a sticky note on our fridge to track which books we’ve read throughout the year. This year, I set myself a goal of reading two books per month. Thanks to both kids being in school as well as discovering audio books from our local library, I managed to exceed my goal and read 30 books! Here are my top 5 picks, listed in the order of which I read them:
Read MoreWhy I’m Not Doing Advent Photos This Year and What I’m Doing Instead
“What will you be doing for Advent this year?” a friend asked me. She knew that for the past three years, I have engaged in an Advent Photo-a-Day practice, reflecting on a prompt word each day and capturing it in a picture.
“I don’t know,” I replied. “It hurts too much. My heart is still tender from the grief of my dad’s passing.”
In previous years, the season of Advent had been a source of joy and consolation for me. I looked forward to the anticipation and the gentle, dark time of waiting. Advent had always been a time of finding hidden beauty. This year, however. This year was different. I couldn’t even think about Advent without tears welling up and my chest feeling like it had exploded. Or maybe imploded. Oh, what a raw place.
Read MoreTop 12 Books to Prepare a Toddler for a New Baby
“My toddler is getting a sibling! Now how do I prepare her for it?” Storytelling, I’d learned from the brilliant book The Whole-Brain Child was a fantastic way to engage then 21-month-old Allie, so I turned to my favourite resource – our local library.
Read MoreA Hidden Wholeness: The Journey Toward an Undivided Life
Olive’s rating: 5 stars out of 5
I absolutely loved this book. Parker Palmer did an excellent job of painting a picture of what safe communities of people look like and how they help individuals toward living an undivided life of integrity.
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A Million Miles in a Thousand Years: What I Learned While Editing My Life [book review]
Olive’s rating: 4 stars out of 5
I was skeptical about this book when I first picked it up because I’d thought Miller’s previous work had been a little fluffy. I was pleasantly surprised by this book. In my humble opinion, I think this book is more mature than his other work – but with the same laugh-out-loud humour that is so enjoyable to read. This book looks at what makes up a good story and asks us whether our lives are reading as good stories.
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Free Baby Resources
In the course of preparing for baby’s arrival, I’ve come across some great resources for new moms and dads that I thought I would share – especially for people who live in the Vancouver area (although I think that most, if not all, of these resources are available Canada-wide). Most of them were either recommended to me, or I found them myself. [Note: I am not affiliated with any of these companies, nor am I being compensated for mentioning them here. I’m simply passing along the good stuff I’ve found. I must also mention that we are part of the Amazon Affiliates program. That means if you choose to buy a book through our links, we will receive a bit of commission – so we promise to be honest about our reviews and let you know what we found helpful.]
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