5 Practical Tips on Learning How to Cook

5 Practical Tips on Learning to Cook

[This is a guest post I wrote for Hello Vancity]

I still remember setting the table with my heart pounding and palms sweaty, silently praying that my parents and their friends would genuinely like the food. I was in Grade 8. Making a meal from scratch and serving it to guests was my final project. My grade for Home Economics was dependent on their review. What exactly I served, I can’t recall anymore. I think there was a stew and some vegetables. Of course, my mom, being very proficient in the kitchen and known among her friends as a great cook, helped me put most of the dinner together. But she still bragged to all her friends that her 13-year-old cooked for her. She would half-jokingly remark that I could now do all the cooking for our family. The prospect of which was truly frightening.
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What I Learned about defining expectations in marriage

What I Learned: About Defining Expectations in Marriage

What I Learned” is a guest post series of readers telling their personal stories about lessons they have learned about relationships in hopes of helping us all grow and cherish the relationships that matter the most to us. If you would like to submit a story for this series, click here. This guest post is by Alicia Perez.

Two years before my husband and I were married, I left to serve with a ministry for a year in South Africa. Young in our relationship, we hadn’t yet celebrated our birthdays together and planned a snowshoeing trip beneath the stars at Mount Seymour in lieu. In the weeks leading to this special faux birthday I listened carefully for his favourites.

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Converge Sep-Oct 2012

Stop looking for a “Soul Mate”

“You complete me.” That is the famous line from Jerry Maguire that Tom Cruise’s character says to Renee Zellweger’s character right before he asks her to marry him.

Even though this line is super cheesy, it reflects the reality of what many people are looking for in a relationship: someone to complete them. And once you find this person, then you should marry him or her and spend the rest of your life together so you can live happily ever after.

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Varun and Amelia

What I Learned: About Marriage From Rubbermaid Storage Boxes

What I Learned” is a guest post series of readers telling their personal stories about lessons they have learned about relationships in hopes of helping us all grow and cherish the relationships that matter the most to us. If you would like to submit a story for this series, click here. This guest post is by Amelia Rana.

Day 1
“Where you will go I will go. Where you lodge, I lodge. Your people shall be my people and your God, my God”. I clasped my new husband Varun’s hands tightly, not knowing where our journey together would lead, but certain I wanted to go with him. As we jetted off to our honeymoon, we brought two suitcases filled with all we would need for wedded bliss: sunscreen, lingerie, a few books, love, and anticipation for the future.

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What 75 years of Marriage looks like [Video]

Meet Ray and Irma Ziff, who have been married for 75 years. What is their secret to staying married for so long? “Never go to bed mad. Stay up and fight it out.”

Watch this great interview that Ray and Irma did with Yakov Smirnoff (they also did a similar interview with Jay Leno). It gives me great hope and inspiration to see a couple married for so long and still in love with each other.

[youtube_sc url=”http://youtu.be/Yl-6tTnm8j8″]