
Ducks have Invaded our House

Our house is full of ducks. For some reason, everyone has gotten Allie a duck. She has two rubber ducks, one I picked up at Walmart and a limited edition duck my mom lined up for in Osaka, Japan. There’s a giant duck my brother won at an amusement park and a small stuffed duck my brother’s girlfriend bought in Singapore. And then she has a duck jacket, a duck finger puppet, a duck shaker, a duck bib and more.
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Ta-Da List

Why I Scrapped My To-Do List

I am henceforth replacing my daily To-Do List with a Ta-Da List.*

In place of the endless litany of tasks to finish, I am choosing to note down all the things worth celebrating in my day. Being a mother of a young child means that most of my things to do are in a state of partially done by the time evening rolls around. Dishes? Half in the washer, half in the sink. Emails – read but not responded to. As I type this, our bedsheet is sitting on the dining table, waiting for me to finish patching it (I WILL have to finish that before I get to sleep on it tonight!). Actually crossing something off of my To-Do List is a major, major accomplishment and looking at the ever-growing and unfinished list is discouraging.Read More